As you take the opportunity to browse over my thoughts keep in mind that I write it as I feel it. Isn't that the way all writing should be?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


How do you fight an emotion as strong as hatred? I am slowly being consumed by this feeling and I know how I am when I get this way. I don't want to feel it. I have felt this emotion so strongly before that I nearly lost myself in it. I have to fight it. I have to stay strong. I cannot let hatred take over. I am angry but I must deal with it now before it turns in to something more. She has pissed me off yet again. She is trying to rob me of my happiness. I WILL NOT LET HER SUCCEED. I will be fine, I know I will. God has me and with him, all things are possible...

1 comment:

  1. I'll Pray for you buddy, in the meantime you know I got your back if you need me. And this to shall come to pass...


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This is my page. I will tell you now that I am a strange one and my mind is never in one place for longer than like, a minute. Expect my blogs to have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other! These are my thoughts about life, the universe, and everything (gotta love Douglas Adams). Feel free to check out my blogs and whether you agree, disagree, or could care less, comment!